Summit Golf Club:
The #1 Golfers Club in Canada
Classic, but current.
Bold, but eminently playable.
That’s Summit—a club with one of Canada’s most historic designs, but one with an attitude towards the sport that is forward-thinking and ambitious, while remaining completely in keeping with the game’s traditions. A club where golf is central to everything it is—that’s Summit. And that’s why we are the #1 Golfer’s Club in Canada.
Reach for the Summit—you’ll be glad you did.
"Summit provides a stimulating golf experience from the first tee high above the fairway to the last green, well below the revamped and inviting clubhouse. I could see sitting there for hours reading and watching golfers finish.”
“It’s a place where you never get tired of playing and it shows you something different each round. Summit is a wonderfully peaceful, tranquil place.”
“While Thompson implemented many of his own ideas, he also sensibly left the good Cumming and Lyon design elements untouched, today’s course existing successfully as a tribute to the talent of all three men.”